Project Details
In Fall 2022 we created and facilitated a 10-week Moving Image Literacy after-school program for The Boys and Girls Club of the Crescent Region at Saluda Middle School in Saluda, SC.
This program sought to empower students in their middle school careers with 21st Century Media Literacy skills in hopes of keeping them engaged in school and acted as a module for The Boys and Girls Club of the Crescent Region staff to replicate screen language exercises for students.
The two-hour workshops were held Mondays and Wednesdays from 4pm-6pm From October 17th to December 14th 2022. Working individually and in teams of two, students learned creative and innovative techniques of critical thinking through viewing and discussion, reading and listening comprehension exercises, writing (filming), and presenting simple video texts.
We had a blast with these students. Check out the short recap above to get a taste of how it all went down.
Visit for more info on their work.
Program Director/ Facilitator: Sherard “Shekeese” Duvall
Program Development: OTR Media Group
Program Designers: Sherard “Shekeese” Duvall, Crystal Aldamuy
Tech Manager/Teaching Assistant: Adrian Williams
Video Editor/Camera Operator: Adrian Williams